Learn to Row

The goal of Learn to Row (LTR) is to learn rowing safety and etiquette, achieve basic rowing skills and technique, and get a glimpse of the excitement and fun the sport of rowing offers. RRC offers group instruction for adults 18 years or older who have little or no sculling experience. For more information about youth rowing, see the Triangle Rowing Club website.

An LTR session includes eight hours of instruction:

  • Two consecutive weekends on Saturday and Sunday
  • Two hours each day: 7am-9am

You must be able to attend all four classes in order to successfully complete LTR.


Here is a sample schedule for LTR:

  • Day 1: The first session is on land and includes practice on rowing machines to learn the technique and introduction to the rowing sculls and oars. You will also learn basic safety procedures, technique, commands and parts of the boat.
  • Days 2 – 4: Practice rowing in quad boats with at least one experienced rower per boat, plus a coach on the water.

How will you know we're a good match?

Rowing requires strength, flexibility, and coordination. LTR participants should expect to be challenged both physically and mentally.

What we expect from you:

  1. You must be able to participate actively. You should not enroll if you’re recovering from an injury or are not at least moderately fit.
  2. You must be able to lift 40 lbs. above your head and carry it uphill for 75 yards. You must help carry the equipment.
  3. You should be able to stand up from a full squat. Getting into and out of a shell demands this strength.
  4. You must be able to tread water for 10 minutes and swim 100 yards.
  5. You must be committed and attend all LTR instruction at the specified times and dates.

What you can expect from us:

  1. Instruction from our experienced and qualified volunteer coaches.
  2. We provide a safe rowing experience with at least one experienced rower in each boat.

How to get notifications about upcoming Learn to Row (LTR) classes:


The cost is $275 and includes eight hours of instruction. Simply use the link below to open our LTR email list, and click “Join Group” . When an LTR session becomes available, we will send an email to the list with instructions on how to register.

NOTE: A Google Account is required. If you do not have one already, select “Create Account” and you will be given the option to use your current email address (see image). CONTACT US with any issues!


Learn to Row typically takes place during the first two weekends of March, April, and May. Please join our waiting list to be notified when new sessions are added.


LTR meets at Lake Wheeler Park, 6404 Lake Wheeler Road, Raleigh. Drive almost all the way to the waterfront building. Park in the lot to the LEFT of the road prior to the waterfront building. We meet by the rowing shells to the RIGHT of the road within the fenced enclosure.